Great Easter Ideas for Your Home
11 Apr, 2019

There is something very special about Easter. Not only is it one of the most important church festivals but it always signals the welcome arrival of spring – with summer days just on the horizon! It is the ideal time to get together with family and friends or to plan a good walk in the countryside to enjoy the wild flowers and trees in bud plus the numerous lambs in the fields.
In Greece, Easter (Paska) is the most important religious festival in the Orthodox calendar and is also a celebration of the rebirth of nature with all the wild flowers of spring. It is a time when families all try their best to be together in their home village for the festival. For several weeks beforehand, housewives everywhere completely spring clean their homes from top to bottom whilst the men paint a fresh new coat of whitewash on the exterior walls.
What better incentive than Easter to encourage you to have a really good spring clean too! It is a challenge to clean everything from top to bottom and to have a good sort out of all the various piles of accumulated magazines, unwanted toys and clothes - but your local charity shop will be delighted to receive them all! If you are feeling really energetic, clean every window inside and out – you will be amazed at the difference this alone makes!
If you are planning to put your house on the market, Easter is traditionally viewed as the start of the selling season. This is the ideal opportunity to start the preparations as a clean, tidy house will be extra attractive to buyers. If your property is already on the market, as well as make your home look special for Easter, some carefully chosen decorations will make it look extra fresh and appealing to prospective buyers too.
Wash as many of the curtains as you can and all of your net curtains – you will be amazed how grubby they have become during the winter months. If you have blinds, they will benefit from a good wipe down. Clear all the work tops in your kitchen of clutter and get the kitchen sparkling once again by thoroughly cleaning all the work tops, cooker and fridge. Follow the look in all the magazines and have just a single vase on display filled with daffodils and tulips.
The sitting room is the next room to sort out and again, try and de-clutter as much as possible. Create a lovely Easter arrangement on the coffee table using a natural hessian or straw mat and a large vase of lovely daffodils with plenty of lush green foliage from your garden. Fill a natural raffia basket with some hay and add some different coloured real hens eggs with some quails eggs to add interest.
Lemon white and green are the crisp springtime colours and these can be accentuated with candles and other vases of flowers on the bookcase or fireplace. Some yellow primula in pots look attractive in the fireplace too. A couple of bunches of daffodils are reasonably priced and can be stretched between several vases by the addition of greenery.
Bedrooms too could probably do with a spring clean and again will benefit with clutter being packed away out of sight. Vases of fresh flowers can look really lovely too and baskets of Easter eggs in colours to match the décor will make Easter feel special – as long as they are not too tempting for family members!
As we have been enjoying remarkably mild weather recently, the garden will be wanting some urgent attention as everything has started growing promptly so there will no doubt be weeding to be done and some hedges to be trimmed. Your front garden is the most important so check that it looks really tidy.
If it is lacking in colour, why not buy some lovely primulas or pansies in flower to put this right instantly? If your front door or garage doors have cracked and flaking paint, this can be soon rectified with a fresh coat of paint which will look great for visiting family and perfect if you are selling. And then simply ensure that you have a very Happy Easter!
It’s not too late to put your home on the market to make the most of one of the busiest selling seasons of the year – simply get in touch with us for a free valuation today.
Article kindly provided by Chris Stevens.